Sunday, November 27, 2011

Put a Bird on It. Part 3. The Finale.

Finished the bird a while ago but never got around to putting it on the old interweb. Still needs to be framed and will be for sale at The Austin Art Garage.
Detail.Another Detail.

Also, stay tuned for a new etsy shop where you will be able to buy shirts and limited prints!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Put a Bird on It. Part 2

Hi Mom! Just giving you an update on how the bird is coming. Still have a couple hours to put into it.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Put a Bird on It.

Spent the day hanging with the wife and working on this new drawing. It's got a bird on it. The bird really changed it from a drab piece of paper to something fantastic.
Still no where near done. I'll keep you posted on the progress and by you I mean my Mom, because I am sure she is the only person who reads this.
In case you don't get the "put a bird on it" reference, Mom.